Wholesale trendy fashion bags, purses, clutches and tote bags made in Italy. Many of these luxury Italian bags manufacturers and brands sell their products directly to resellers with reasonable low minimums.
Since 2000, the ItalianModa B2B marketplace has helped business people like you to find and make contact with qualified Italian bag companies.
Made in Italy
Italian artisan leather bag manufacturers design and produce fashion bags using the finest leather (calf, lambskin, reptile like crocodile and python) as well as high-quality fabrics and materials. They offer a wide selection of trendy models and styles at affordable wholesale prices, low minimums.
Most of them also offer a Private Label or a collection development service, which means that qualified resellers and companies can have their own exclusive line of handmade “Made in Italy” leather bags made to order with their original designs and logos.
If you are a store, online retailer, or boutique owner looking for a reliable supplier of Italian designer luxury bags that are “Made in Italy”, register now on the ItalianModa B2B marketplace and get in touch with qualified Italian manufacturers and brands. They are eager to offer you an unforgettable collection of fashion bags with a distinctive Made in Italy flair! – one of the best ways to stand out in a market full of mass-produced identical models.
Trendy and Fashionable
The wholesale suppliers of Italian fashion leather bags sell exclusive fashionable and trendy designer bags at affordable wholesale prices. They offer high-quality genuine leather handbags and faux leather bags, designed and realized in Italy by local master artisans and skilled workers, and characterized by a typical Italian fashion taste and also vintage and classic style.
The mixed Italian fashion leather hides are a special item sold by weight, consisting of bovine, goat or sheep skins of large dimensions and sold in the most diverse colors and finishing and with different fantasies that can be reproduced with serigraphs, fantasy drawings and laser engraving. They are suitable for leather craft in general and also for bags, wallets and shoes tests, offering an excellent quality/price ratio.
Many Italian dbag artisans, manufacturers and brands provide a Private Label service to resellers that allows them to develop a custom line of exclusive Made in Italy leather bags or Began bags based on the buyer’s design. To find out more, please visit our B2B marketplace and describe (for free) the kind of Italian-made fashion products you are interested in. We will then help you to contact the best-matching suppliers, artisans and brands.
Soft and Comfortable
Women are always on the lookout for high-fashion fashionable bags that are soft and comfortable to carry. A genuine leather bag is a must-have accessory for any woman’s wardrobe.
The secret to the softness and comfort of Italian leather handbags is the tanning process used in the tanneries. The vegetable tanning process uses full-grain hides that result in a durable and flexible material. In addition, the patina that forms on an Italian leather bag as it is used over time softens and darkens with each use, giving each bag a unique personality.
Wholesale genuine leather bags from Italy can be found at a variety of shops and online stores. Some manufacturers and brands also offer private label services, allowing you to design your own exclusive line of Made in Italy leather bags. You can find and contact qualified suppliers through the B2B marketplace at ItalianModa.
Easy to Carry
Italian bags wholesale suppliers offer a vast catalogue of fashion leather bags for ladies in trendy styles, colors, and shapes. They usually feature top grain leather and vegetable tanning. They also offer a wide variety of sizes and styles to meet the needs of every customer. Some even provide a private label or collection development service.
One of the most popular items available from Florence Leather Market is the pochette, a small leather handbag that has been carried since the 1700s. It is the ancestor of today’s clutches. The pochettes and clutches offered by this company are carefully made using precise sewing techniques and meticulous craftsmanship. They also feature fine leather materials strictly made in Italy and processed according to natural procedures to make them incredibly soft to the touch. The result is an elegant bag that can be carried for formal and elegant occasions, while remaining practical. It is a perfect choice for women who want to be stylish and feminine without sacrificing comfort or functionality.wholesale leather bags italy