Lawn Care Toronto Is Growing Despite Bans on Lawn Chemicals

Lawn care Toronto is growing despite bans on lawn chemicals. A recent column cites 30% growth in the industry.

Maintaining a lush, healthy and attractive yard can make a significant difference to your property’s curb appeal and increase its value. To achieve this, you need to hire an expert grass cutting service.

Weed Control

Weeds steal the nutrients from the grass, causing it to weaken and eventually die. Regular weed control prevents these unwanted plants from taking over your lawn. It also helps to keep the weeds’ seeds from spreading.

There are several types of weed killers, with some being more selective than others. They are often based on chemicals that disrupt the plant’s ability to absorb essential nutrients. Some weed killers are pre-emergent and kill seeds that have already germinated, while others are post-emergent and kill growing weeds. There are even organic options available.

Most weeds are easiest to kill when they are young and have abundant moisture. This is typically in the spring for most weeds, like dandelions. The other best time to apply a weed killer is soon after a rain or when the temperature is cool. This is because the weed’s stoma (pores) are more open and receptive to the chemical.

There are many services offered by professional weed removal specialists, including both chemical and non-chemical treatments. These services are incorporated into both full-program treatments and a la carte services. Typically, the best weed control services are performed in conjunction with other lawn care techniques. For example, applying a weed killer shortly after aerating the lawn and seeding can be very effective. In addition, reseeding bare areas and keeping up with the mowing schedule are effective in preventing weed growth.


The aeration process involves mechanically poking small plugs of soil and thatch (the layer of living and decomposing organic debris between the soil surface and green grass) from your lawn using equipment with hollow coring tines. This paves the way for water, air and fertilizer to reach your grass roots, making them more effective. It also helps relieve soil compaction, which can restrict root growth and lead to dry, unhealthy looking grass.

Lawns with heavy clay or dense soil are more prone to compaction. New construction or heavy foot traffic can also cause soil to compact. If your lawn feels spongy or dry and you notice puddling after it rains, then you may be experiencing soil compaction.

Aerating your lawn regularly alleviates compaction and allows grass roots to dig deep into the soil, keeping it healthy and resilient. Consistent aeration will prevent dry patches, thatch build up and other lawn problems down the road. Aerating is best done in late summer into fall when cool season grass seeds are able to germinate and establish themselves before cold weather sets in. Combined with overseeding, aeration promotes healthy, thick lawns that are able to withstand the stress of drought, insects and disease. It’s like giving the body the nutrients it needs to fight illness. Without these, the body will eventually get sick.


When you fertilize your lawn, it feeds the grass and prevents weeds from growing. The nutrients are absorbed into the roots of the grass and help it to grow thick and strong. Grass that is fed properly is better equipped to fight off stress factors like drought or foot traffic and will look greener than ever.

The type of fertilizer that you use will depend on the type of grass and climate in your area. If you have a cool-season grass like Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, or fescues, you should fertilize twice during the spring and once in the summer. Fertilizer should also be applied in the fall to encourage grass growth and help the soil to store nutrients for the winter.

When you fertilize, always make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions on the amount and rate of application. It is important to not over-fertilize because too much can actually damage the turf. It is also best to mow the lawn before you apply fertilizer. This is done to ensure that the grass is evenly distributed and that the fertilizer is not disrupted or diluted before it can do its work. In addition, watering the lawn regularly after fertilization will help to promote deep rooting and improve its ability to absorb nutrients.

Lawn Mowing

A professional lawn care company has the skills and expertise to help maintain your yard in great condition. This will not only add to the curb appeal of your home but also increase its value. The professionals will ensure that the grass and gardens are trimmed and weeds are removed regularly. They will also use the right fertilizer and water to keep the lawn healthy.

Many homeowners want their lawns to look pristine and beautiful, but they may not have the time or the physical ability to do it themselves. These homeowners can hire a professional lawn care Toronto service to do it for them, but they should always choose a reputable company. You can find one by checking the company’s reviews on social media or local directories. You can also ask for recommendations from family and friends.

A good lawn care service will know how often to mow your lawn based on the type of grass, growth patterns, and season. They will avoid mowing the grass too often or cutting it too short. They will also rake the clippings rather than dumping them on the lawn, which can cause brown spots. They will also make sure that the mower blade is not set too low, as this can damage the grass and lead to bare patches.

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