Finding a Physical Therapist Near Me

Physical therapists are prepared through education and clinical experience to manage the symptoms of many conditions. Their role is to treat patients of all ages, including children and older adults.

They may also help reduce your risk of falling by identifying fall risk factors. They can also provide balance exercises to help you stay safe.

Evolve Physical Therapy

If you’re looking for a physical therapist near me, consider Evolve Physical Therapy. This private practice is committed to providing proactive physical therapy in a collaborative environment. Their services focus on orthopedic and musculoskeletal injuries. They offer a variety of treatments, including dry needling, electrical stimulation, and ice/heat. They also have a wellness program that focuses on improving performance and preventing injuries. They are a direct access clinic and don’t require a doctor’s referral or prescription to begin care. They also offer financial transparency so you know exactly what your treatment will cost.

Evolve has a team of highly experienced physical therapists and offers a wide range of treatment techniques. Their therapists are skilled at treating chronic conditions such as neck pain and shoulder problems. They are also adept at working with sports injuries and motor vehicle accidents. They use a comprehensive approach to physical therapy that includes patient education, manual therapy, and exercise.

Many states have direct access laws which allow physical therapists to evaluate patients without a referral from a physician. However, these laws vary by state. Some only allow PTs to treat you for thirty days, while others have unrestricted direct access. In these cases, you can see a PT for an evaluation and start treatment immediately. The key to getting insurance coverage is to prove medical necessity. This is done by documenting how the PT will eliminate impairments (pain, limited mobility, weakness, etc.) and activity limitations, as well as participation limitations (can’t work, can’t take the kids to school, etc.).

ActiveCare Physical Therapy

ActivCare Physical Therapy is an integrated health clinic that offers a holistic experience for patients. They offer a range of services including physical therapy, massage, and acupuncture. They also have a team of experts in Western and Eastern medicine, who combine their knowledge to provide the best possible treatment for their patients. They follow strict guidelines and protocols to ensure gradual positive improvement without risking the delicate healing tissue.

Physical therapists are highly trained health care professionals who work with individuals of all ages who have altered movement and physical functional abilities due to injury or disease. Their expertise includes the evaluation and treatment of the musculoskeletal system, which encompasses bones, ligaments, tendons, muscles, and joints. Their education includes a doctor of physical therapy degree from a Commission on Accreditation of Physical Therapy Education-accredited program and passing a state licensure exam.

The cost of physical therapist services varies depending on the type of treatment and therapist’s approach. The price also varies between insurance companies. It is important to check your coverage before scheduling an appointment. A good way to do this is to call your insurance provider to ask about your coverage.

The physical therapists at ActiveCare Physical Therapy are certified in manual therapy techniques and have extensive experience treating orthopedic conditions, sports injuries, auto accidents, and workers’ compensation cases. They are also members of the Maitland Australian Physiotherapy Seminars (MAPS).

Integrative Physical Therapy

Integrative Physical Therapy offers comprehensive rehabilitation care with a holistic approach that addresses the whole body. They focus on maximizing the body’s natural healing mechanisms through movement practices and recognizing the connection between mind, body, and spirit. They use a combination of manual therapies and exercise-based approaches to promote healing. Their team of physical therapists is trained in specialized hands-on techniques to help patients recover from chronic pain, injury, and illness.

They also provide private consultations to assess their clients’ needs and goals. This can be especially helpful for clients who have not been evaluated in a long time or are experiencing severe pain. These sessions will involve an evaluation, a treatment session, and a home exercise plan. They can also include different procedures such as dry needling and electrical stimulation, as well as a variety of therapeutic exercises and treatments.

Their clients consistently praise their empathetic staff members who treat them with compassion and understanding. Their facility is designed with smaller rooms to offer a more personalized and individualized experience. Patients also appreciate the fact that they can visit the clinic without an insurance referral, which is important because many insurance companies require a high deductible before they cover physical therapy services. However, they also recommend that clients check their insurance coverage to understand the specific costs of each visit.

Vive Health

Vive Health offers products for a variety of medical needs. They offer mobility devices, physical therapy equipment, and home care items. Their goal is to help patients manage their injuries and lead an active life. Their products are designed with user convenience and safety in mind. They also test their products for durability, and this allows them to pass valuable recommendations and warranties to customers. One of their most popular products is the Cryotherapy Machine, which eliminates the need for melted ice packs or dripping wraps. This unit pumps cold water through a specialized cooling pad that contours to your body for easy application.

Another popular product is the Vive Walker, which has a three-wheeled design that makes it easier to maneuver in tight spaces. This model is also a great choice for people with limited stride lengths. Vive Walkers are available in different colors and come with a free carrying case.

Most of Vive Health’s products are designed by their own in-house brands, including Vive Mobility, Vive Sole, and Vive Precision. These in-house brands allow them to focus on specific areas of healthcare, and they specialize in the development of new innovations in their respective categories. They also test their products extensively to ensure that they meet the highest quality standards.

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